I Have a Host School! (But Do I Have a Host Family?)

July 21, 2008 at 2:23 am (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , )

Hello all! There’s quite a few posts here that are Pre-Departure, I suppose that makes me a bit of a hypocrite, but I guess I’m willing to accept that. As soon as I start going off about naps and dinner schedules, however, I expect one of you to stop me.

Anyway, on to business. This past week or so since my last post have been interestingly complex in such a way that you’re not sure whether to be excited, disappointed, or anxious. I’ll start with the most plainly happy news; I have a host school! I have known the name of it since I was notified of my family, but thanks to Anna (Glimorized on CS) I have found my host school’s website. Or, at least, what most likely will be my host school. Interestingly, the name produced in my information email for my host school said that I would be going to the Heilongjiang Provincial Erperimendal High School. Well, Melodie (Mel…Moi on CS) was also placed in Harbin (which is awesome) and she’s going to the Heilongjiang Provincial Experimental Middle School in the same area. We’re both the same age (actually, she’s a tiny bit

The Front Entrance and Main Building

older) so there would have been no reason to put us in different grades. Anyway, after a bit of confusion and some help from a few friends on CS and Facebook, we figured that, most likely, my school information had a few typos in it. HPEMS (that’s how I’m going to refer to it as of now) has hosted AFS students before, (there were apparently 6 last year) and is in the same area as where my school’s address info is, so I’m guessing this much. It may end up that I’ve taken too much liberty with my assumptions and am horrendously wrong. If so, well, *shrug* at least it’ll make for an interesting post. After all that blather I best get back to the point. Here (http://www.hljsyzx.cn/index.asp ) is the school’s website. Bits and pieces of it can be put into English using web translators like WorldLingo. The school is beautiful (and so freaking POSH!) Seriously, they have a dance studio, a lecture hall, and a pottery lab. I swear, I’m afraid to bring pictures of PV in case they think that Americans don’t put any money into education. Not that we do, really It’s a private school for sure, but even the public high school’s are stuff only of legend here in the US. *shrug* Maybe it’s just all of the schools I’ve been to.

The Library

So I said in my last post that I had gotten into contact with my host father through email. Well, I’m half right. In fact, the person who wrote the email was Dianhong, my host Sister, who was translating for her dad. When I asked for “him” to give me her email address, she switched to her account and emailed me. Well, because her address was in Chinese, my mail carrier took her email as Spam, so it sat in my spam box for a week. You have no idea how silly I felt after I found out, because I had been really scared that I had said something that made them stop emailing. Anyway, my host sister is ADORABLE. I’ll add pictures of everything when my computer’s being less…weird. Anyway, so part of the email she sent me was a bit confusing.

In China, we study senior high school for 3 years,in September this year,I’ll be a Senior 2 student.But in my school, host family should be Senior 1 student,so in September you’ll know your genuine host family. And,it’s a pity that maybe we can be your host family…:-( But don’t be worried about this,you’ll know your host family in September soon.

So, from the sound of it, they’re not going to be my host family after all. I don’t really understand her explanation, so right now I’m just waiting for her to email me back, then I’ll call my AA and see what exactly is going on. I can’t say I’m not a little disappointed. The Chens sounded like an amazing family, very nice and a group I could slip into. Apparently, they are either my “welcoming family” until I get another one or I’ll have a whole new host family before I leave. *Shrug* What can you do?

The Gym

The Gym

UPDATE: Jul 22nd, 2008 – So I’ve gotten in contact with a boy named Erik, who was in Harbin last year. Turns out we’re going to his school! First of all, apparently the name of the school has been recently changed, thus there’s a great deal of confusion about translation. In China, there are three levels of school. The elementary levels are called “Small School” our middle and high schools are meshed to create “Middle School” and “Big School” refers to college. Thus when someone translated the name for Mel, they went literally and called it a middle school, whereas for mine they referred to it as a high school, which is the level translation. So unless logic means nothing and the sky changes to bright emerald green, that’s the school I’m going to. Yay!

The Cafeteria

According to Erik’s description, it should be a fairly interesting. From the sound of it, the school sets everything up quite cleanly for exchange students, and it slowly falters out throughout the year. There are quite a few exchangers who go to the school (5 last year, not 6) comparatively. I’ve heard most schools there are usually 2 and PV never seems to have more than 3. Anyway, this means two things: Large support system and a greater chance I won’t integrate with my class. I’ll admit I’m a bit worried, in that all of my Chinese friends (and their family) think I’m not going to get much of anything in Chinese culture, as Harbin is quite separated from the rest of the country and has a great deal of European influence. On top of that, I’ve now had two inbounds tell me that most Chinese students do not get very close to exchange students, mostly because the vast difference in workloads. Can’t say I blame them, after AP junior year, most kids who were not in our classes sort of lost touch, just because the workload was in the way. I believe I’ll get a bit of the language, but I just have a feeling I may be a bit separated from the “Real Experience” my parents wanted. Again, *Shrug* who knows? It just means that I’m going to have to thrust myself in there while I’m still “a novelty” and work as hard as they are.

Second thing: HPEMS is a public school, not a private school. So scratch all that I said about it not being comparable to PV’s facilities because of that status. It really says something about a country that puts that much into education. In reference to teachers and student relations, the court will be out for quite a while, but so far facilities is a point to HPEMS.

The Lab Building

The Lab Building

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I Have a Host Family!

July 14, 2008 at 10:08 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , )

Hey all! I finally know where I’m going in the giant land that is China: Harbin! It’s a large city in Heilongjiang, the northernmost province in China. According to Wikipedia, Harbin is known as the “Oriental Moscow” for its Russian influence and architecture. The food is also supposed to have a Russian influence, with a specialty in bread and sausages. The average temperature in Harbin during the winter is a whopping -16°C (3°F) and 21°C (70°F) in the summer. It’s rated one of the most beautiful cities in China, which I don’t doubt at all. From the pictures and GoogleEarth I’ve seen, it’s absolutely gorgeous.

I’ll admit it, as soon as I found out where Harbin is I was like “Wait…what?” I mean, I’m from California. I’m dreadfully uncomfortable in 50°F, and my ideal summer day easily breaks 100 before noon. When I was asked, I said I wanted to be in the South for this very reason. I wasn’t really angry or upset, but I thought “C’mon, I didn’t ask for Beijing or Shanghai; it was a simple request!” Now that I’ve looked into the city though, I’m so sure it’ll be a great place for me. That seems to be a prevailing theme in my exchange experience; at first I’m skeptical and sort of forced in one direction, only find that it really is the best fit for me. I remember when I was told to go to China, I couldn’t imagine me being there of all the places, now I can’t imagine going anywhere else. So that’s that’s the lesson in this one, kids; have control of your experiences, but don’t bite and scratch too hard if you don’t get the exact specifications of your way. Chances may be that you’re getting exactly what you want, a few months before you realize you want it. I guess I should be thankful that I have people who know me better than I know myself for this sort of thing.

Church of Saint Sophia, in Harbin

Anyway, back to Harbin. I’m in love! It’s, as I’ve mentioned, close to Russia. I’ve always loved Russia as a country, and it’s so cool that I’ll be able to experience the beauty of Russian architecture while I’m in China. I haven’t found a picture of my specific school yet, but the Harbin public schools are extraordinary. They’re like something out of a modern art museum, some even have courtyards and statues and fountains! *Gush* Compared to the *ahem* lacking architecture of Chico, it’s quite a nice change. It’s cold, yes, but it’s not as if I haven’t lived in the cold before. I’ll survive. So all in all, I’m really happy with my placement.

Ooh! Once again, I’ve gotten side-tracked and completely forgot to talk about the main thing I came to report! As the title says, I have a host family! I’m going to be living with the Chens. My hostfather, Chen Fangbin (like most Asian languages, Chinese place the family name first) is a teacher, while my hostmom, Wang Wei (women keep their family names after marrying) is a doctor. They have a daughter my age named Dianhong, though she’ll be in America during my stay. (If she decides to blog, maybe I’ll ask her to link it here.) I don’t know much more as of yet, but I’ve emailed Mr. Chen a few times, and he seems very nice. As always, I’ll update this page as soon as I receive more information.

Anyway, as of today I have 1 month and 4 weeks until I board my plane to China. I’ll post between now and then, most likely later on when discussing preparation and my goodbyes. *Sniffle* Until then!

Oooh, *psst* There’s a webring of other exchangers as well. So be sure to check them out!

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