
September 5, 2008 at 8:42 pm (Uncategorized)

Hey everyone! So a lot has happened since my last post, so I’m just going to jump right into it. I was too emo to mention it in my last post, but I changed my layout style. Like it? For me, it’s much more comfortable to read dark on light than vice versa, and this layout is a bit cleaner. I may change it back sometime, or to something completely different. If one layout totally riffs you to no end, drop a comment and I’ll see what I can do.

Anyway, the host family situations mentioned in my last post have all been resolved. Very shortly after I wrote it, my AA called me to explain what he knew. According to AFS USA, there had been a typo on my Family information, saying that the Chens were my permanent host family, when in fact they were my ‘Welcoming’ or temporary family. They will be hosting me for the first month or so, until my second family is found. While he made it sound as if that had been the plan all along, I think they were supposed to be my host family, but because of aforementioned constraints/perhaps a change in heart, something changed and someone else was going to host me. Since they haven’t found anyone, I’m allowed to stay with the Chens until they do. My AA was super apologetic about the fact that’d I have two host families, trying to put it all in a shining light, when in fact I couldn’t be happier! I get to see two different families, one with a host sister, one without. He promised I wouldn’t be changing schools or classes or anything, so no worries there. As he put it “The only real switch will be changing bedrooms” XD. I’m so excited to get to be with two caring families. The Chens seem to be the perfect ‘welcoming’ family for me. Their daughter is abroad, so we’ll both be able to experience the ‘other side’ of exchange and they both have the same professions as my parents, so it will be nice to ease into life a little bit. As much change as there’s going to be in the next few weeks, any little similarities are a comfort. On the other side, when I’m more adapted and have a few conversational skills, I can experience life with a host sister. Best of both worlds, if you ask me. 😀 Melodie’s family is also going well. After receiving Siyu’s (her Chinese friend) call, Melodie’s host sister emailed her right away, apologizing for scaring her and saying that they’re very happy to be her host family. She and her sister have been emailing near daily. Her family even chose her Chinese name! Since she’ll be living with the Mu family, they decided to call her Lan, so that she’ll be Mu Lan. How adorable is that! Her sister went on to explain who Mulan was in Chinese folklore, (as if we all don’t know from Disney xD). It’s a beautiful name, and her family sounds great, so all’s going well in that sense!

Also after my last post, I went downstate to Woodland to spend a few days with my mom. We shopped for the first 3 days, and then I spent the last two at her work. It was so beautifully amazing; after weeks of feeling anxious and depressed, it all just went away while I was with her. I can honestly say I almost never thought about China the entire time I was there, which was such a relief. It was just like any other week, just having fun and soaking everything in. We could just talk about things, going on for hours and enjoying being in the same room. We went to the bookstore, Fry’s, and tons of entertainment stores, and bought to much stuff! Seriously, I have so many DS games now, I dunno what to do with myself. I also bought 5 books, including Palaniuk’s Choke and all the books in the Uglies series, but in the course of the week, I’ve finished all but two of them. I’m trying to get Extras and Augusten Burrough’s Wolf at the Table done before I go too, so that I don’t have to pack them. My mother even surprised with one of the best shops ever; Panera! Seriously, I didn’t know the west coast had any (which is beyond a bitter shame). It’s a bakery/cafe that makes the most amazing soup bread bowls ever, and their bagels are awesome. I swear, I was so happy, I felt all mushy. It was one of the best moments in the last few weeks. Leave it to mothers with their maternal magic to know how to make you feel safe, warm and loved. On top of that, Tindabaa and Jinji, two of her dogs, went missing for a few days. Between shopping, reading, and that, there was no time to think about missing people. The next few days, we went in to my mother’s lab. It was really fun, actually, which isn’t what I expected. The picture above are the different chemicals and foods added to vats of bacteria so that they’ll grow. Fascinating, right? XP

It’s been great seeing everyone before I go. I’m gonna miss these guys tons and tons, more than they’ll ever know. Anyway, pictures are here, without much description. No need to get emo again.

Ceri and her girlfriend, Rachel, sitting outside of her work.

Ceri and her girlfriend, Rachel, sitting outside of her work.

I’ve been doing a lot of henna tattoos lately. For those who don’t know, henna is a non permanent mud-like paste that dyes the skin for a few weeks. I’ve been doing it off and on for a few years, but I got a large set of it on my birthday, so I’ve had a blast using it up. Either than that, going out to eat, or hanging out in my room have been my main social activities.

The henna tattoo I gave Yen on her lower hip

The henna tattoo I gave Yen on her lower hip

This weekend I get to see my sister’s new house, all furnished and filled, which I’m looking forward to. It’s nice, because my last few days here are relaxed and just normal, which is all I want right now. I swear, just sitting and talking with my dad before/after dinner is going to be one of the things I’m gonna miss the most.

Anyway, enough of this mushy chatter, back to EXCHANGE stuff. That’s what I’m writing this for, right? My bags are mostly all packed. I’m having my dad come in and see if her can make it better, because according to everyone he’s a packing God. I’m shocked about how things fit. I tried to stick to the 5 rule, and found that I naturally had between 5 and 7 of nearly everything. (Except for socks, underwear, and tank tops; I have a ton of them, funnily enough…). I brought way too many shoes, with a set of boots, flats, converse and heels, but they fit so *shrug* why not? Also, being packed 6 days before going means I’m going to be wearing all of the things I’m not packing for the next week, save the outfits for next Wednesday, Thursday (which will prolly lead on into Friday thanks to the time change) and the spare in my carryon. The good news is that it’s fairly easy to pull out clothes or repack them into my bag for Saturday and Sunday. I got my Survival orientation schedule this morning (a few days after Melodie posted what it was on CS xD). Basically, Friday we’ll be picked up in Shanghai and check in and get to know everyone. Saturday morning we go over AFS rules, China study, and exercises like eye massages (x3). In the afternoon, we separate by countries (so I guess like AFS USA is all together?) and we do a run through of a Chinese school day (in an hour…) and hear volunteers. Then we get to go on a tour of the city after dinner for a few hours. Sunday morning we all head out to our areas and meet our host families! It’s insanely hard to explain how excited I am to be able to meet everyone in person!

I’ll admit, I’m a little anxious with the good ol’ “what if no one likes me?” fears, but I’m hoping they’ll pass. Not helping is the fact that I just dyed my hair last night to the color of my roots, which were way darker than I imagined. I’ve never had hair this dark, and right now I hate it. Most everyone will be rolling their eyes right now, since I’ve been complaining out having to dye my hair since I heard about it. It’s just hair, I know, but I still think it looks stupid. [rant] It’s way too dark, it doesn’t match my skin tone at all! I look like one of those pale-beyond-belief kids with died black hair. It’s too intimidating.[/rant]. Ok, so I’m pouting a bit, I’ll get over it. Anyway, right now I’m feeling mostly happy excitement (though not much, there’s still that giant mental wall there…) and I can’t wait to go.

I’ll prolly update this either the day before I go, or after I’ve left. In case this is the last time I write while in the US, I’ll see you all later!

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